Tuesday, August 12, 2014

I've been saying I wanted to do this for years.  I've just never had the courage to.  I'm not sure if I have been just too concerned with what others would think about what goes on in my head...or maybe I just wasn't ready to be honest with myself.  I can't avoid that self confrontation any longer.  I need my soul to heal so that I can be happy.  I need my soul to heal so that I can survive this.  I need my soul to heal so that maybe I can help someone else heal their soul...

Yesterday, we lost an amazing man in the acting world.  He's a huge part of so many happy childhood memories I had.  I know what you're probably thinking..."How can someone be inspired to actually start their blog based on the death of someone she doesn't even know??  The answer is simple...because {deep breath} I have felt the desperate need for pain and suffering just to STOP,  I have let my mind wonder to just how easy it would be to make it STOP, 

I've been there, some days I'm still there...

I won't ever begin to assume that what I've dealt with is within measure to what others have.  But I know that MY struggles for me have been devastating.  

If you would have asked me 4 months ago, and I would have actually answered honestly...you would have found a broken woman who was barely clinging to life.

Since then, I've just found the will to live again.  It's not here every day but let's be honest, NO ONE has all good days.  I still struggle with severe depression, I still cry (A LOT) and to be VERY honest, at least once a day I just want to give up--not on life, but just throw in the towel to whatever situation has got me down.  But today, I'm still going...I woke up and got out of the bed and came to work.  

What I'm trying to say is, the signs of Depression are often obvious...some of us need just a little push to open up and talk about it.  Please, don't ignore someone who is pleading from the inside for help.  You never know when someone has just met their limit...

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